Travel Time: 5 minute walk from NEU campus for those not at NEU its the Green Line T, MFA stop.
Cost: Free for NEU students, otherwise the suggest you make a donation, $10.00+.
They are currently adding
an extension to the MFA Boston, and so some wings were off limits, but since I haven't visited the Museum in over two years, it was nice to go back. Most of the artwork was in the same rooms, not much had changed. However, there were quite a few memorable paintings that had changed locations, and one I wanted to revisit, which had been removed altogether, which did surprise me.
Currently the MFA has an exhibit called "The Secrets of Tomb 10A, Egypt 2000 BC", Which we were able to visit. It was not quite what I was expecting. It was more of a story of the archeologists and the items left behind, rather than about Egypt at that point in time. Additionally, there were no mummies, which I was disappointed about, There were tons of wooden boats though. (In this photo: Liz checking out some old Egyptian artwork).
I have two favorite sections of this museum, the first is the : Sidney and Esther Rabb Gallery otherwise known as the European Art Section 1870-1900. This is where you can find the Museums collection of Monet, Rembrandt and Deags. The MFA has at least two panels of Monet's famous Water Lilies. The other is the Buddhist Temple Room, It is located on the second floor within the Asian Art Section. This temple is home to at least 6 different statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva's.
Overall the MFA is great for a rainy day and has a little bit of something for everyone.
Don't Forget to Check Out Their Website: http://mfaboston.com/