378 Highland Ave. Davis Square
Somerville, MA 02124
Somerville, MA 02124
Travel Time: 45 min, MBTA Orange line to Downtown Crossing, switch MBTA Red line to Davis Square.
Cost: $3.00 for a Regular Red Velvet Cupcake
So I heard about this cupcake shop from one of my friends; so I added it to the Bucket List mainly because the name was awesome, and I am always open to trying new places.
Well first off, this was an extreme disappointment. For the travel time and cost of the cupcake definitely not worth it, and I know for a fact I will not be going back there again. I had the red velvet cupcake, so I can compare it to Sweet, and keep everything on a level playing field. At first glance the cupcake looked really good, a nice cream cheese frosting, with a candy red heart on top, and the cake had a nice red color on top. The only appearance issue was that the icing did not cover the whole cupcake, and was mainly centered.

The cake itself was really dry, and did not have that awesome red velvet flavor I love so much. I think I make better red velvet from the box. The frosting was ok, it was super sweet. Overall I was not impressed, and my thought was, SWEET was way better.
My friend that took the adventure with me got a cookie dough cupcake, which was also only OK, there was real cookie dough in the middle of the cupcake which was cool, but other than that the rest of the cupcake was definitely under par, and even she said that SWEET was better.
So for all those out there don't even bother. DO bother going next door to the bake shop called When Pigs Fly (bread).
Side Note: Davis Square is AWESOME, and we did enjoy a hipster afternoon going through the two different vintage clothing stores as well as walking through the square. There are some really cool bars and restaurants, including an all vegan cafe (if thats your thing).
Don't Forget to Check Out Their Website! http://www.kickasscupcakes.com/
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